Volltextsuche nach Gödel OR Escher

Zeige Ergebnisse 41 - 60 von 60


Kromka A, Jira J, Stenclova P, Kriha V, Kozak H, Beranova J et al. Bacterial response to nanodiamonds and graphene oxide sheets. Physica Status Solidi. B: Basic Research. 2016 Dez;253(12):2481-2485. doi: 10.1002/pssb.201600237

Bella A, Tökgöz S, Zdomskyy L. Menger remainders of topological groups. Archive for Mathematical Logic. 2016 Aug;55(5-6):767-784. doi: 10.1007/s00153-016-0493-8

Miller A, Tsaban B, Zdomskyy L. Selective covering properties of product spaces, II: γ spaces. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2016 Apr;368(4):2865-2889. doi: 10.1090/tran/6581

Aurichi L, Spadaro S, Zdomskyy L. Selective versions of chain condition-type properties. Acta Mathematica Hungarica. 2016 Feb;148(1):1-16. doi: 10.1007/s10474-015-0565-y

Tsaban B, Zdomskyy L. Arhangel'skii sheaf amalgamations in topological groups. Fundamenta Mathematicae. 2016;232(3):281-293. doi: 10.4064/fm994-1-2016

Medini A, Zdomskyy L. Every filter is homeomorphic to its square. Bullletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics. 2016;64(1):63-67. doi: 10.4064/ba8065-6-2016


Mota MA, Aspero D. FORCING CONSEQUENCES OF PFA TOGETHER WITH THE CONTINUUM LARGE. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2015 Sep;367(9):6103-6129. PII S0002-9947(2015)06205-9. doi: 10.1090/S0002-9947-2015-06205-9


Goldstern M, Kellner J, Shelah S, Wohofsky W. Borel conjecture and dual Borel conjecture. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2014;366(1):245-307. doi: 10.1090/S0002-9947-2013-05783-2

Bodingbauer L, Götz S. LUT019: Schulmathematik Wien: Lobster und Tentakel. 2014.


De Almeida Ribeiro E, Beich-Frandsen M, Konarev PV, Shang W, Vecerek B, Kontaxis G et al. Structural flexibility of RNA as molecular basis for Hfq chaperone function. Nucleic Acids Research. 2012 Sep;40(16):8072-8084. Epub 2012 Jun 19. doi: 10.1093/nar/gks510


Sigmund K. 'Dozent Gödel will not lecture'. in Kurt Gödel and the Foundations of Mathematics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2011. S. 75-109


Paterek T, Kofler J, Prevedel R, Klimek P, Aspelmeyer M, Zeilinger A et al. Logical independence and quantum randomness. New Journal of Physics. 2010;12(1):013019. doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/12/1/013019



Dawson JW, Sigmund K. Gödel's Vienna. The Mathematical Intelligencer. 2006;28(3):44-55.


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