Publikationsliste anhand von u:cris UUIDS
Folgende Liste wurde mittels u:cris UUIDS erstellt und ist dadurch beliebig zusammenstellbar. Die UUIDS können aus u:cris exportiert werden und werden im TYPO3 Backend in ein Textfeld kopiert (eine UUID pro Zeile).
Dies ist z.B. sinnvoll für Einheiten die als solche nicht mehr existieren, darum nicht direkt abfragbar sind da die Sichtbarkeit der Einheit auf das Portal begrenzt ist.
Zeige Ergebnisse 301 - 320 von 365
Welch P. Relativistic Computers and Transfinite Computation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2009.
Walczak-Typke A, Typke R. Some Vantage Indexing Approaches for Rhythmic and Melodic Search. Musicae Scientiae. 2009;(4 b):201-234.
Mildenberger H, Shelah S. Specializing Aronszajn trees and preserving some weak diamonds. Journal of Applied Analysis (JAA). 2009;(15 / 1):47-78.
Mildenberger H, Shelah S. The near coherence of filters principle does not imply the filter dichotomy principle. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2009;(361 / 5):2305-2317.
Friedman SD, Magidor M. The number of normal measures. Journal of Symbolic Logic. 2009;74(3):1060-1080.
Adler H. Thorn-forking as local forking. Journal of Mathematical Logic. 2009;9(01):21-38. doi: 10.1142/S0219061309000823
Walczak-Typke A, Typke R. A Tunneling-Vantage Indexing Method for Non-Metrics. in Bello JP, Chew E, Turnbull D, Hrsg., Proceedings of the 9th Int. Conference on Music info Retrieval. Unknown publisher. 2008. S. 683-688
Mildenberger H. Cardinal characteristics for Menger-bounded subgroups. Topology and Its Applications: a journal devoted to general, geometric, set-theoretic and algebraic topology. 2008;156:130-137.
Zdomskyy L, Tsaban B. Combinatorial images of sets of
reals and semifilter trichotomy. Journal of Symbolic Logic. 2008;73(4):1278-1288.
Zdomskyy L, Tsaban B, Repovs D. Continuous selections and
sigma-spaces. Topology and Its Applications: a journal devoted to general, geometric, set-theoretic and algebraic topology. 2008;156:104-109.
Baxa C, Goldstern M, Taschner R, Schaller T. Die berühmtesten Formeln der Welt und wie man sie versteht, Teil 51 2008.
Honzik R, Friedman SD. Easton's theorem and large cardinals. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. 2008;154(3):191-208.
Kellner J. Even more simple cardinal invariants. Archive for Mathematical Logic. 2008;47(5):503-515.
Viale M. Forcing axioms, supercompact cardinals, singular cardinal combinatorics. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 2008. doi: 10.2178/bsl/1208358846
Zdomskyy L, Repovs D, Banakh T. Fr\'echet-Urysohn fans in
free topological groups. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 2008;212(9):2105-2114.
Fischer V, Steprans J. Further Combinatorial Properties of Cohen Forcing. in Mukai S, Hrsg., Higher dimensional algebraic varieties and vector bundles. Kyoto: Kyoto University. 2008. S. 8-19. (RIMS Conference proceedings Workshop on Combinatorial and Descriptive Set Theory).
Dobrinen N, Friedman SD. Homogeneous iteration and measure one covering relative to HOD. Archive for Mathematical Logic. 2008;47(7-8):711-718. doi: 10.1007/s00153-008-0103-5
Zdomskyy L, Tsaban B, Repovs D. Hurewicz sets of reals without perfect subsets. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2008;136(7):2515-2520.
Terwijn S, Sorbi A. Intermediate logics and factors of the Medvedev lattice. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. 2008;(155 / 2):69-85.
Zeige Ergebnisse 301 - 320 von 365