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Measurement of the Ge 70 (n,γ) cross section up to 300 keV at the CERN n-TOF facility

A. Gawlik, C. Lederer-Woods, J. Andrzejewski, U. Battino, P. Ferreira, F. Gunsing, S. Heinitz, M. Krtička, C. Massimi, F. Mingrone, J. Perkowski, R. Reifarth, A. Tattersall, S. Valenta, C. Weiss, O. Aberle, L. Audouin, M. Bacak, J. Balibrea, M. Barbagallo, S. Barros, V. Bécares, F. Bečvář, C. Beinrucker, E. Berthoumieux, J. Billowes, D. Bosnar, M. Brugger, M. Caamaño, F. Calviño, M. Calviani, D. Cano-Ott, R. Cardella, A. Casanovas, D. M. Castelluccio, F. Cerutti, Y. H. Chen, E. Chiaveri, N. Colonna, G. Cortés, M. A. Cortés-Giraldo, L. Cosentino, L. A. Damone, M. Diakaki, M. Dietz, C. Domingo-Pardo, R. Dressler, E. Dupont, I. Durán, B. Fernández-Domínguez, A. Ferrari, P. Finocchiaro, V. Furman, K. Göbel, A. R. García, T. Glodariu, I. F. Gonçalves, E. González-Romero, A. Goverdovski, E. Griesmayer, C. Guerrero, H. Harada, T. Heftrich, J. Heyse, D. G. Jenkins, E. Jericha, F. Käppeler, Y. Kadi, T. Katabuchi, P. Kavrigin, V. Ketlerov, V. Khryachkov, A. Kimura, N. Kivel, I. Knapova, M. Kokkoris, E. Leal-Cidoncha, H. Leeb, J. Lerendegui-Marco, S. Lo Meo, S. J. Lonsdale, R. Losito, D. Macina, J. Marganiec, T. Martínez, P. Mastinu, M. Mastromarco, F. Matteucci, E. A. Maugeri, E. Mendoza, A. Mengoni, P. M. Milazzo, M. Mirea, S. Montesano, A. Musumarra, R. Nolte, A. Oprea, N. Patronis, A. Pavlik, J. I. Porras, J. Praena, J. M. Quesada, K. Rajeev, T. Rauscher, A. Riego-Perez, P. C. Rout, C. Rubbia, J. A. Ryan, M. Sabaté-Gilarte, A. Saxena, P. Schillebeeckx, S. Schmidt, D. Schumann, P. Sedyshev, A. G. Smith, A. Stamatopoulos, G. Tagliente, J. L. Tain, A. Tarifeño-Saldivia, L. Tassan-Got, A. Tsinganis, G. Vannini, V. Variale, P. Vaz, A. Ventura, V. Vlachoudis, R. Vlastou, A. Wallner, S. Warren, M. Weigand, C. Wolf, P. J. Woods, T. Wright, P. Žugec

Neutron capture data on intermediate mass nuclei are of key importance to nucleosynthesis in the weak component of the slow neutron capture processes, which occurs in massive stars. The (n,γ) cross section on Ge70, which is mainly produced in the s process, was measured at the neutron time-of-flight facility n-TOF at CERN. Resonance capture kernels were determined up to 40 keV neutron energy and average cross sections up to 300 keV. Stellar cross sections were calculated from kT=5 keV to kT=100 keV and are in very good agreement with a previous measurement by Walter and Beer (1985) and recent evaluations. Average cross sections are in agreement with Walter and Beer (1985) over most of the neutron energy range covered, while they are systematically smaller for neutron energies above 150 keV. We have calculated isotopic abundances produced in s-process environments in a 25 solar mass star for two initial metallicities (below solar and close to solar). While the low metallicity model reproduces best the solar system germanium isotopic abundances, the close to solar model shows a good global match to solar system abundances in the range of mass numbers A=60-80.

Externe Organisation(en)
University of Lodz, University of Edinburgh, Université Paris Saclay, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Paul Scherrer Institute, Charles University Prague, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Roma, Università di Bologna, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Technische Universität Wien, Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), University of Zagreb, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile, Universidad de Sevilla, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Universitat de València, Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, York University, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT), National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Università degli Studi di Trieste, Università degli Studi di Catania, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, University of Ioannina, Universidad de Granada, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, University of Hertfordshire, Universität Basel, Australian National University, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Manchester, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE), Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnológica, European Commission Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Associação EURATOM/IST
Physical Review C
Anzahl der Seiten
ÖFOS 2012
103014 Kernphysik
ASJC Scopus Sachgebiete
Nuclear and High Energy Physics
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