Die u:cris Detailansicht:

Magnetism of ultra-thin iron films seen by the nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation

Tomasz Slezak, Kinga Freindl, Anna Koziol-Rachwal, Krzysztof Matlak, Marcus Rennhofer, Rudolf Rüffer, Bogdan Sepiol, Nika Spiridis, Svetoslav Stankov, Marcin Slezak, Dorota Wilgocka-Slezak, Marcin Zajac, Jozef Korecki

Conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy proved in the past to be very useful in studying surface and ultrathin film magnetism with monolayer resolution. Twenty years later, its time-domain analogue, the nuclear resonant scattering (NRS) of synchrotron radiation, showed up to be by orders of magnitude faster and more efficient. The evolution of the spin structure in epitaxial 57Fe films on a tungsten W(110) was studied via the accumulation of the NRS time spectra directly during Fe film deposition. In the 0.5 – 4 monolayers Fe thickness range, the complex non-collinear magnetic structure was derived from the NRS data, resulting from the deviation from the layer by layer growth mode. For thicker Fe films, the in-plane thickness induced spin reorientation transition could be clearly identified. Based on the NRS analysis it is shown that SRT process originates at the Fe/W(110) interface and proceeds through a transient fan-like magnetization structure.

Dynamik Kondensierter Systeme
Externe Organisation(en)
AGH University of Science and Technology, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS)
Anzahl der Seiten
ÖFOS 2012
103009 Festkörperphysik
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